
Math Tutoring Polytech Nancy


I teach bac+2 students!


Math tutoring

I tutor second-year students in the integrated preparatory cycle (PeiP) at Polytech Nancy, focusing on advanced mathematics topics such as convolutions, generalized integrals, and Fourier and Laplace transforms.

As a tutor, my main role is to effectively communicate complex mathematical concepts in a clear and accessible manner. I develop interactive teaching methods that encourage student participation and promote deep understanding of the subjects covered.

I strive to create a collaborative learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and exploring concepts at their own pace. In addition to lectures, I organize tutorials and review sessions to help students reinforce their understanding of advanced mathematics.

My goal as a tutor is to guide students towards mastering the mathematical skills necessary for success in their engineering studies and beyond. I take pride in playing a role in their academic journey and seeing them progress and thrive in their mathematical learning.